The Agency
General Browse
Art As the Premise for Policymaking
The Paper - Legal Fictions Meant for Implementation
Premise - Interpretations - Implementation
& The Agency - opening September 2023
Alternating Inflations #FakeNewsRoom
The Shopping Card/t
The International Passport / International Zone
Getting A Ticket for Positive Action
The Auditor
Food scanners in schools and colleges
Report (Fake) - France gives up on its France
Identitarian I.D
"An act of..."
"The reading lesson", academic list of readings made available
“Where did you " I want it"?", a plug-in to redistribute online platforms' income coming from curb..
"Emergency Civic Training", a mandatory training for those participating in the voting/ civic life
"The Mailboxes", an opportunity for citizen direct consultation
Vote pour la création des coopératives d'activités : CommeCom reverse 700 millions #FakeNewsRoom
"Free to die", assisted suicide authorised after a two year probation
Une idée (à ajouter) autour du Revenu International
Architecture for a curatorial space