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Implementations Recaps & Links
Implementations are the ultimate product of The Generator as a political project desiring to create real world transformation. Below you can find the implementations we are working towards, whether it is symbolic gestures such as the International Passport, or more binding-aimed documents such as the State-Without-Territory Pacte. In the medium run, we would also like to become a seed hub for start-up initiatives. You may use the information beneath to think whether - and what - you'd like to submit to The Generator for review, whether it is a premise, an interpretation, an implementation, an impetus or something else - a pitch deck. Please use this link to submit something to The Generator.


             Introduced in The Generator Paper 1: January 1, 2023

- The International Passport

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- The Etiquette - The Shopping Cart

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- France Gives Up On France

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- The Identitarian I.D

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- Ready-made Companies For Sale

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- Vote For The Creation of Cooperation of Activities

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- What Can You Do Being You

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


-The IMF New Plan

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word



             Introduced in The Generator Paper 2: Coming September  2023

- Optional Protocols for the Environment

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- STATE! - the board game

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- Fish Chipping Freedom Station

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- Methodologies

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- Right of Passage

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- The People's Signature

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- Social Security Emoji

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word


- Declaration of The First Peoples

Post/ Index Card/ Timeline/ In the FakeNews Room/ Editable Word



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