Interpretation Recaps & Links
Interpretations are the screenshoots of an alternative world governed by the premise it is an interpretation of, Interpretations are both the transition moment and the inspiring argument to transform premises into implementations. Here, you can find all interpretations we've generated together, reaching from the mere FakeNews to the more subtle visualizations. You may use the information beneath to think whether - and what - you'd like to submit to The Generator for review, whether it is a premise, an interpretation, an implementation, an impetus or something else. Please use this link to submit something to The Generator.
Introduced in The Generator Paper 1: January 1, 2023
- The Income The Price A Proposal
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word/ Implementation
- An Education To Difference
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word​/ Implementation
- Free To Die?
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word​/ Implementation
- Architecture For A Curatorial Space
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word​/ Implementation
- Perishable Currency
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word​/ Implementation
- Love As Currency?
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word​/ Implementation
- Oxygen As Currency?
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word​/ Implementation
- Autoproclamation Of Maturity
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word​/ Implementation
Introduced in The Generator Paper 2: Unpublished
- Space-Without-Territory
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word/ Implementation
- Homelessness as Refugee
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word/ Implementation
- International Experimental Zone
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word/ Implementation
- Bicameral Counter-Force
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word/ Implementation
- Birth of The Supra-International Organization of the Dead States
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word​/ Implementation
- Convention For The Self-Emitted Abuses
Premise/ Post/ Index Card/ Editable Word​/ Implementation